Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Words of Wisdom....Tell me what advice would you give to a couple that just got married...?

I own a mobile DJ business, and once a while I will ask the guest what advice would you give to the new bride and groom...? I've gotten some good answers, so I'm coming to you with this question based on advice for a new couple that just married....Words of Wisdom....Tell me what advice would you give to a couple that just got married...?
never go to bed angry.Words of Wisdom....Tell me what advice would you give to a couple that just got married...?
hmmm.. advise is.. Ther wil be lots of changes u will be seeing in your parnter as days goes by.. Accept it and never feel that his/her love for u have reduced.. k .. simple advice that i can provide.. thanks
mutual understanding,common interest n respect each other,besides everything should be opened n discussed.hope u can do it n remember all these.good luck
That if they feel an argument comming on hold hands and try not to yell at each other. Anger can make you do and say things you will regret later.
Love must have brought you together ..Trust oneanother for the good of both ..
Love, honour, cherish each other, stand by each other in the good times and the

bad. Don't bad mouth each other during a spat, cool off and talk it out.

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