Saturday, August 21, 2010

I REALLY hate school and the thought of going there over and over. Any words of encouragement or advice?Thank?

I'd rather not elaborate but there are various reasons why I hate going to school every fcking day over and over again. Its really getting to me and I have SEVERE school anxiety and I always get all depressed. Can anyone say something awesome to make me feel better throughout the year? THANKS! :)......=/I REALLY hate school and the thought of going there over and over. Any words of encouragement or advice?Thank?
dude you're not the only one. but this is how i go through my day: yes i do feel nauseus and i get butterflies in my stomachs wen i go into a class i ';don't like';. but u have to b precise, what part of school don't u like. my high school has stupid people, who basically have no lives, bullying other people and gossip blah blah blah...just think about wonderful it would be wen u get into that ivy leauge or dream college, then its just the hard work u have to focus on. seriously. im in my junior yr in high school and i can't believe i've made it this far. chillax. think about the future. and u have to understand that this is not gnna last forever =]I REALLY hate school and the thought of going there over and over. Any words of encouragement or advice?Thank?
I would rather you elaborate. Look forward to a new day, everyday. Think of going to school as seeing your friends and learning new things. We all hate school, well most of us do. I also hate school, but what can I do about it? Nothing, but to make it a little bit more colorful. Look at it on a bright side, you go to school to learn and possibly just because you want a good career in the future, so spend this time wisely and study hard! Try to see what your problems are, whether it be school work, friendships, etc.., there's always a way around it. I'd like to give an advice that would encourage you, but well, you really didn't point out why you hate school. So these few keystrokes of encouragement are just an assumption made by me that it's either school work or friendships that you're dealing with in school. Good luck with everything.
you seem kind of stubborn, how are we supposed to help you if we don't even know what the problem is?

ooooohhh, acaaaddeemiicss, suck it up
maybe its something else like your diet and not school : /

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