Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Words of Advice?

My 6 year old daughter will be going out of state to visit her dad for the first time. I am a bit nervous cause I have never been without her. Any advice on how to prepare us both for the month long seperation?Words of Advice?
My ex and I lived about a mile away from each other for 4 years after our divorce. Our son spent time with both of us every week. I recently had to move out of state temporarily for work. It was a little rough on all of us. The most important thing I think is to let your child know you're going to miss them, but don't make them feel guilty about spending time with the other parent. I always tell my son when he goes to his dads that I'm going to miss him, but it's great he's going to visit his dad. I also got him a cell phone on my plan so he can call me any time he wants to while we are apart. My son is 10, so I don't know if the cell phone idea would be feasible for a 6 year old. Just don't make her feel like she's abandoning you and she should be ok with the separation. As for being with out your child, that's a tough one. I miss my son very much when he's gone, but we talk on the phone every day which makes it easier. The web cam idea is also a GREAT one.Words of Advice?
Get a webcam thats what me and my dad due and its like he is almost really there sometimes.
Talk to her in plain language, tell her the truth. Tell he she can call at any time for any reason. Also, arrange a designated time when you WILL call her. Be sure Capt. what's his bucket knows about the designated time.
It's going to be tough for a whole month. Give her lots of things to take to remind her of home (pictures, toys, etc), and make sure you agree to talk on the phone as often as possible once she is there.

If her father has the internet, you could communicate via webcam, perhaps.
I am sorry, but I don't understand why on earth you'd let such a little girl stay for so long with a man she has never seen before!!!! This is really weird !!!

I think you should reconsider this visit.

It would be much more sensible for the child to see his picture first, then meet him and after they've spent time together plan a visit....and even then, not for an entire month!

You should ask a child psychologist how to deal with this so the girl is as less freaked out as possible...!
It is not easy I know this. My oldest 2 girls go to NC every summer and spend the summer with their dad. At first it was very hard and still is. Just remember you can call her everyday or at night before she goes to bed. Send her a picture of you with her. Write her a little note and put it in her suitcase. For you just find one of her favorite stuffed animals and sleep with it every night it will make you feel a little closer to her. Trust me it does get easier over the years. My daughters are now 14 and 12 and now I look forward to summers they go with their dad. Most of all just take it one day at a time. Let your ex know you will be calling her alot and if he has a problem with that then tough. Do what makes you feel better about her being away from you. Good Luck sweetie !!
wrap her in bubble wrap.
KEEP BUSY!!! That is what worked the best for me. The first time I was without mine for a weekend, I almost went nuts. Keeping myself busy is the only thing that helps me get through every other weekend. I could not imagine a month without them!
Huh? You and your daughter have NEVER been apart before and all of a sudden she is going out of state for a month? Who decided this? Don't you think she should be spending a few intermittent weekends with him before she goes into his care full time for half the summer?

MY advice is to talk lots with her dad between now and then. Together, you need to try and brainstorm as many possible situations he or she might find themselves in during her visit and agree on how to handle them. Which ones will require your input? Which ones will he decide the proper course of action. How will the two of you prepare her for the difference in parenting styles, house rules, food, etc...

(I'm still dumbfounded that she is going on a month long visit with no prior exposure. That is so wierd....)
I had this problem when i had my daughter for a week (usually overnight only every other wk end) ....

I just got her to phone mum every evening to say hi and chat ...she was fine try doing the same... did it for both their sakes as i know the wrench it can be.....

Most of all make sure he gets her to call when missing you just for a small chat to calm her down... after few days she'll settle in and be fine

Wish you luck you just keep busy...x
I'd tell her anything she needs to know about seperation and taking care of herself and pack her suitcase in the best way I could, tooth brush and tooth pastes and other stuff you know she needs. Then you can accept the situation as a new experience for your daughter that will make her stronger and will teach her a lot. Your little girl will be back smarter.:)

Calm down lady, just do all the needed cares. I think you can also call her every day, this will also calm you.

Good luck, bests
NO don't let her go. What is wrong? Tell him to come to your daughter. Don't do it. Change your phone number.

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